Call for new President

If you love baseball and have some time to we need you to volunteer. Open Position: President

Bow Ridge is looking for a new President for the 2022 season as I will be stepping down next year.  If you have some spare time and would love to get more involved in the League, please consider taking on this great role.  With the setup of the Fall Ball Season happening over the next few weeks this would be a great opportunity for someone to shadow me and learn the job before taking on the full role.  No experience is necessary as I will be around for a little while next year in the role of past President to provide guidance to the newly appointed volunteer should they need it. Bow Ridge can not run without this position filled and the help of our volunteers.
The job description is as follows:
(Minimum 2 year term)
This is an executive level position on the board to which the president chairs board meetings and guides the board members to ensure all Little League rules and regulations are followed. This position shall attend board meetings and has a vote on all BRLL decisions and policies. The President is also the main liaison between our Association and District 3, Little League Alberta, and the League within District 3.
If you would like more information or have questions, please contact me at
Thank you